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Lore of the Forgotten Chapter

          Many years ago, there was a land known as Creth. It was a noble land, who ruled much of the southern continent of Breit. A king rose to the call of the empire, but little did they know just what kind of man this was. Through betrayal, greed, and lust, this king expanded the empire to envelope all of the southern land bringing terror to any who opposed. Most folded under its weight, surrendered and were subjugated to evil ways.

          But one nation stood proud against the tyranny. They were the last unconquered city, and would defend it to death. The forces of Creth, however, were too great for the pride of this nation, and they destroyed every last warrior, woman, and child, taking complete control of Telara. But there was one survivor. A child, by the name of Brian Anders.

          As punishment to the nation who defied Creth, the king wiped this nation's name from the history books and killed whoever spoke of it. Gethers was but only a child when it occured and knew not of it's name, but held dear the story of his early childhood. He managed to escape the onslaught and grew up well, traveling to the northern continent by sea where he had a family of his own.

          He had a child, who was named Zeke. He was named after his ancestor. When he grew of age and his father knew he could keep a secret, he was told of the land his father had come from. Zeke never knew if his fathers story was real, as he told many boastful stories for fun, but he always listened, learning anything and everything.

          He knew nothing of the greatness he was destined for. For the most part, he grew up with a normal life. That all changed when he turned twenty. His life, his story, in tribute to his fathers homeland, will be known by all as the Forgotten Chapter.

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